Summer ended fast leading to naked trees and swedes wearing many winter accessories, example, neck scarf, or the gigantic neck scarf(which raps around a person 7 to 9 times). Anyhow we are all in agreement that it sucks. I have been attempting to skate parking garages and indoor. Sofi is studying like a fool and we are enjoying the good life. Also i am reading Henry David Thoreau: Walden so i my get a little pretentious.
Here is a photo of Östermalmstorg
Here is a photo of Östermalmstorg

This is an awesome ferry i never knew existed and i got to party on it. they even got books and a cafe on it. Its free and me and Linnea drank a beer to that.

I was trying to explain sofi why she should buy me a moped and then i thought i will just show her how ridiculously good looking i am on this machine, maybe next spring.

Update: i am coming home Dec 11th till Jan 5th: see all of you shortly.
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