tisdag 16 mars 2010

Last photos of NY

Lets break it down, it has taken me 3 months to publish photos from new years eve here. That does not mean they are not awesome, they are trust me. Update: Sweden is never going to be warm. I have some of the worst cabin fever in my life and my internet usage has increased perpendicularly with my in-house captivity. I finished reading the "The Life According to Garp" and have started "The Sports Writer" which is somewhat depressing me...
Anyhow good luck to my friends and family and to all the rest of you......
Coming soon is Paris pics......yezzz

Western Bar
In the woods, this is what i might like look here in sweden in a month, maybe...

Irishmen, need i say more......

New Years Smmmoooooch, I just don't give these out to anyone

New Years Eve with everyone who is anyone...